Tip / suggestion for massive speed-up (?)

Software: Away3D 4.x

3dNewb, Sr. Member
Posted: 15 March 2012 07:11 PM   Total Posts: 105

I was getting terrible FPS at some not-even-all-that-big .3ds imports and some dynamically created planes. There where maybe 10k vertices, but spread over 600 (or so) objects.

Now that I have used Max to “attach” ( or boolean / proboolean Union ) all the objects that have the same material, basically creating one single big-object per material, I’m back at 50+ FSP.

So, is there any way to “join” geometries in Away 3D? If I we can merge, join attached, whatever you call it, objects that share materials, I believe we can get some performance gains on complex, static, scenes.


kurono, Sr. Member
Posted: 15 March 2012 08:33 PM   Total Posts: 103   [ # 1 ]

away3d.tools.commands.Merge will help you!



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