How to prevent the 180 DEG rollover of SpringCam when it follows an object in upside down position?

Software: Away3D 3.x

Ludovic, Jr. Member
Posted: 15 March 2012 04:10 AM   Total Posts: 31

I have the following problem:
I set up a SpringCam camera to track an object at a distance.
Unfortunately when that object goes into a 360 DEG rotation on X while moving forward (or backward) the SpringCam execute an instant 180 DEG roll to remain in upside position.
From the viewer perspective that gives the impression that the object being tracked instantly flipped, actually it is even worst because everything in the cam FOV is flipped.

How can I prevent that from happening as I would like the SpringCam to follow my object even if it means being upside down.

I tried this as a test but it did not work:

Thanks for your help,

PS: I will donate $5 towards Away3D for the solution.



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