Hi everyone. in a3d 3.6 you could animate the alpha of the obj3dcontainer, this does not seem to be supported in v4? I have a mesh in an obj3dcontainer, the mesh has the relevant material set, but would like it to fade out. I can set the alpha in the material, but is there a way to animate this?
TweenLite.to(level1[i], 1, {rotationZ:90,scaleX:0.1,delay:newdelay, onComplete:level1Open,onCompleteParams:[i]});
public function level1Open(param1:Number):void{
if (param1 ==level1.length-1)
//trace("level 1 open");
var tempObj:Mesh = level1[param1] as Mesh;
// tempObj is in its own container
//Alpha here