Why is a single plane with many vertices faster then many small planes?

Software: Away3D 4.x

3dNewb, Sr. Member
Posted: 13 March 2012 12:08 PM   Total Posts: 105

Just a question:

Why is it faster to put up a single plane divided by many vertices then adding a lot of small planes (adding up in the same amount of vertices)

Where is the bottleneck in this? Do objects get passed to the GPU one by one?


Baush, Sr. Member
Posted: 13 March 2012 12:13 PM   Total Posts: 135   [ # 1 ]

From what I understand, the objects list render loop is handled by actionscript and the actual geometry is handled by the gpu. In this case, many objects will be slower than the same amount of vertices in a single geometry.


jcarpe, Newbie
Posted: 13 March 2012 02:59 PM   Total Posts: 8   [ # 2 ]

More planes would have more vertices…

So if you have one plane split into 4 quarters it would have 9 vertices, but if you had 4 individual planes to make a larger surface, the that geometry would have 16 vertices.

The four individual planes could not share vertices at intersecting as would happen when dividing a single plane.


3dNewb, Sr. Member
Posted: 13 March 2012 05:59 PM   Total Posts: 105   [ # 3 ]
jcarpe - 13 March 2012 02:59 PM

More planes would have more vertices…

So if you have one plane split into 4 quarters it would have 9 vertices, but if you had 4 individual planes to make a larger surface, the that geometry would have 16 vertices.

The four individual planes could not share vertices at intersecting as would happen when dividing a single plane.

Lol, yes I get that smile

However, as you can read from question, I am talking about a sub-dividing the larger plane into a larger number of segments than the smaller plane.


jcarpe, Newbie
Posted: 13 March 2012 07:04 PM   Total Posts: 8   [ # 4 ]

Oh yeah. Sorry, mis-read!



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