Blender and MD5… Some questions and troubles..

Software: Away3D 4.x

Shegl, Sr. Member
Posted: 12 March 2012 08:58 PM   Total Posts: 134

Hello everyone. Im have no problem with export my md5 models from 3dsmax.
But im very newbie in 3dsmax. And also havent license for that.

Now I already for 10 days trying to export my blender model in away3d by md5..
Im using 2.62 blender and katsbits exporter for 2.59+ version..

Here is my troubles in screenshots:

(the problem is what in away3d revert xyz axis and that make my bone animation revert. If my left leg go left.. this leg go right..)

(and I found what if i will use scaleX =-1 this particuarly solve the problem.. but it doesnt. it make my model up to down meshes)

Sorry for my awfull english.. but I rly need help from guys what do export from blender..

or some one worked blend file for self teaching..



Shegl, Sr. Member
Posted: 12 March 2012 09:37 PM   Total Posts: 134   [ # 1 ]

or alternative format for away3d and blender with bones animation…
I heard about awd2 but cant find exporter..

Anyway thanx for helping.




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