Material Loading

Software: Away3D 4.x

tmontana, Newbie
Posted: 12 March 2012 04:09 PM   Total Posts: 3


I’m developing Augmented Reality App with Away3D. I will load models from .3Ds files. But I want to load materials from 3Ds files. Is it possible? I tryed but i doesn’t worked. ColorMaterial or TextureMaterial wont work for me. Because I will use Diamond models in AR App. Model designer said it must be material to best view.


pallzoltan, Newbie
Posted: 18 March 2012 11:15 AM   Total Posts: 20   [ # 1 ]

I’m interested in this too. Don’t mean to hijack the topic but if for example a building model is exported in (say) 3ds format, do the windows’ materials retain the reflection when you load the model, or will I have to assign the materials myself in Away3d?



Vice, Member
Posted: 18 March 2012 07:34 PM   Total Posts: 58   [ # 2 ]

when you look at the parser for 3ds, the material will parsed too. but not all material types can be parsed correctly because there are materialtypes need a special shader or created procedural. Do you have try out to parse a very basic texture?



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