3ds model / loading strangeness

Software: Away3D 4.x

ripe, Newbie
Posted: 12 March 2012 01:08 PM   Total Posts: 7

Hi all,

I´m working on a prototype using Away3d Broomstick together with user Gordon. We have some serious trouble loading 3ds models. I have used the code from the Broomstick examples repository (soldier ant) to load the 3ds file, but unfortunately all our tests have failed so far.

Here is the preview:

The 3ds model:

The code:

Since the code is unchanged compared to the example code, there must be something wrong in the model, can anyone confirm this?

Any help is appreciated - we are stuck!

Thanks, Felix


John Wilson, Member
Posted: 12 March 2012 02:58 PM   Total Posts: 62   [ # 1 ]

I imported your model into Blender and it was huge.  You could try scaling it down (eg loader.scale(.2) instead of the current 120).  It may be that the model is loading but the camera is inside it.

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