Rendering a 3DS model from Bender (Away3D 4 + AIR 3.2 on iOS)?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Logrey, Newbie
Posted: 05 March 2012 04:46 AM   Total Posts: 12

So, I’m working with the newest version of Blender, making a simple box (3DS format) and importing into Away3D 4 Beta. It works great on the desktop (everything renders as planned).

But on iPad 1/iPad 2, using AIR 3.2, it simply doesn’t render. I can swap out the 3D object with a cube primitive and it works (so I know my AIR app is set up right) And I’m definitely including the 3D asset (I’ve tried both the Flex style include, and tried importing it, externally)

Any thoughts? I’m new to this, so there’s a good chance I’m overlooking some little detail (like “rendering quads to tris” or something. Which I tried. Didn’t work.. wink

Anyway - if anyone has a great pointer, let me know. Otherwise, I’ll just keep trial’n'error’ing this thing. Thanks!



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