Best way to distribute a large scene across multiple CPUs?

Software: Away3D 4.x

jhickner, Newbie
Posted: 01 March 2012 08:12 PM   Total Posts: 5

I’m using away3d 4 for an installation composed of 4 1920x1080 screens each run by a separate computer, and synced over the network.

The 4 computers are each displaying parts of the same scene, but each is running it’s own instance of the app with it’s own camera. My question is, what’s the best way to align the camera perspectives correctly so that the 4 separate screens appear to be displaying quadrants of the same large scene?

I have a working solution, which is to render a view3D of the entire combined size on each machine, and then just move it into the correct position for each of the 4 quadrants. I anticipated that this would introduce huge performance problems, but it actually seems to work fine. I’m hoping there’s a nicer way to achieve this though, maybe with off-center projection?



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