Need help with a car racing game

Software: Away3D 4.x

aalavandhaann, Newbie
Posted: 27 February 2012 02:33 PM   Total Posts: 1

Dear Friends,

I am new to Away 3D, looked at the samples and they seem to be very good. But i have a basic and a specific question to ask here.

1 - What is the unit of away3d stage? (sorry if this is stupid). Suppose i move a object by 1 unit, what will that mean

* pixels
* inches
* or something i am not aware of?

2 - I have been asked to do a car racing game without any complex physics. The game should be a camera behind with a single tack, and of course with some objects like buildings, trees and other blocakables. I searched voraciously a tutorial for the same, and of course i dont expect it to be simple, but still could not find one. Can some one please point a link, which would be great and i would be thankful to you a lot. Would be great if it is AWAY 3d 4.x but still an earlier version would also be good to atleast understand the concepts.





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