Is multiple ShadowMethods the right way to do it?

Software: Away3D 4.x

empend, Member
Posted: 14 February 2012 08:41 AM   Total Posts: 77

I was just wondering if using multiple shadowMap methods for each material is the right way to handle shadows?
I’ve tried using the same shadowMethod before, and it worked, but not this time.

The error I get when trying to use one shadowMethod is:

ErrorError #3663: Sampler 1 binds an undefined texture.
at flash.display3D::Context3D/drawTriangles()
at away3d.materials.passes::MaterialPassBase/render()
at away3d.materials.passes::DefaultScreenPass/render()
at away3d.materials::MaterialBase/renderPass()
at away3d.core.render::DefaultRenderer/drawRenderables()
at away3d.core.render::DefaultRenderer/draw()
at away3d.core.render::RendererBase/executeRender()
at away3d.core.render::RendererBase/render()
at away3d.containers::View3D/render()
at ModelView_fla::MainTimeline/update() 

While on the topic of shadows, is there any other way to control shadow quality other than camera.lens.far?

Also I’m wondering if anyone has created a… I’m not sure what the correct term is.
A class that chooses which lights should illuminate an object?
Depending on the distance, or intensity.

Thanks if you can answer any of these questions!



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