Camera3D.unproject: DeltaTransformVector / transformVector

Software: Away3D 4.x

3dNewb, Sr. Member
Posted: 13 February 2012 09:02 PM   Total Posts: 105

In the master branch on github, the camera3D uses transformVector in the unproject method.

In the dev branch this has changed to deltaTransformVector

This kinda breaks some code I use to determine the ray intersection with a plane. For mouseX/Y coords.

I know changes are always commited with a very good reason, so I’d like to adapt my code to work with this new deltaTransformVector, but I don’t know how.

What is the difference between transformVactor and deltaTransformVector?

I use (part) of the Drag3D method “intersect”, and that method does not appear to have changed for the new deltaTransformVector. Will this change also break Drag3D?



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