can not applay shadow filter.

Software: Away3D 4.x

liuyi, Member
Posted: 13 February 2012 07:12 AM   Total Posts: 65

bMat.shadowMethod = new HardShadowMapMethod(_light);

the latest version from git. is this a bug from new version?

[Fault] exception, information=Error: An abstract method was called! Either an instance of an abstract class was created, or an abstract method was not overridden by the subclass.


liuyi, Member
Posted: 13 February 2012 08:09 AM   Total Posts: 65   [ # 1 ]

after read the pointlight’s source code,
I found that pointlight can not applay shadow, because there is a unfinished function:createShadowMapper

directionlight has this function, but pointlight don’t have.


jcarpe, Newbie
Posted: 10 August 2012 07:23 PM   Total Posts: 8   [ # 2 ]

I am now having this error with the DirectionalLight when using the ShadowMapMethodBase as the shadow method on a material. I receive the following error:

Error: An abstract method was called! Either an instance of an abstract class was created, or an abstract method was not overridden by the subclass.
at away3d.materials.methods::ShadowMapMethodBase/getPlanarFragmentCode()[/Users/jcarpe/Documents/Flash/AS3/away3d/materials/methods/]



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