Geometry Animation Tutorial

Software: Away3D 4.x

Jalava, Moderator
Posted: 07 February 2012 09:46 PM   Total Posts: 20

Has someone perchance written somekind of explanation, documentation or even tutorial on how to write own custom mesh deformations on top of the animation system of Away3D 4.0 dev branch? Also better information on how whole shader code framework works could be enlightening experience, as I’m planning some new special fx materials in near future.

It looks initially has well defined but examples are just bones and pose interpolation.

I’m bit lost at how to code your own vertex shaders that intermesh with the material system properly that allows twisting, bending and other stuff on meshes programmatically.

Feature is there to be done with, it seems that nobody hasn’t yet implemented any proceducal animation tools yet on top of it.

So if I want to do geometry bend or bulge on mesh, should I extend my own geometry animation from AnimationBase and put that class to geometry.animation?

- Jalava^Evoflash


Jalava, Moderator
Posted: 07 February 2012 10:43 PM   Total Posts: 20   [ # 1 ]

Hmm, no wait, I need to implement the AnimationStateBase also and keep my animated parameters there, because each mesh can has it’s own parameters but geometries and it’s animation is shared, right?



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