Misplaced Scene

Software: Away3D 4.x

Vampir2, Newbie
Posted: 21 January 2012 06:02 PM   Total Posts: 1

Hello everyone.

I just succeeded setting up Away3D 4 and got it work after a few hours of “fooling around”. I’m fairly experienced in AS3 but entirely new to Away3D.
When I run my test flash (it has a spinning cube), but the scene’s left top corner is not at 0,0. If I change the flash window’s size, the left top corner remains the same so it’s not dependent on that. Only solution remains: to move the View3D object’s x,y but that’s not elegant. There must be a solution.

I’m using FlashDevelop 4, Flex 4.6 SDK, Flash Version 11
I attached a screenshot.
I appreciate any ideas on how to solve this problem.




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