Hello everyone,
when I try to load a 3DS model with more than one texture (in Away3D 4 alpha), the swf always crashes, saying that Error #1009 occured. (“Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.”)
I am totally new to Away3D and Actionscript. At this point, I´ve read most of the tutorials for away3d 4, that I was able to find. But there is still a lot of experience missing. To get into it, I wanted to first try and load a custom model. Lets say this one: Example
I am using the examplecode(Basic_Load3DS.as) from github. When I run the examples, they work fine(So I guess Flashdevelop, FLEX SDK etc. are set up correctly).
Even my own models(without textures) are working and I can manipulate them. Just textured ones seem to crash all the time. Traced in debug-mode it happens when the “onAssetComplete” event is fired. Then he crashes at line 245 because material is null.
my assetLoader looks like this:
var assetLoaderContext:AssetLoaderContext = new AssetLoaderContext();
assetLoaderContext.mapUrlToData("raumgliederung.3ds.textures/image_0.png", new AntTexture());
and in the beginning I embedded:
[Embed(source = "/../embeds/raumgliederung/image_0.png")]
private var AntTexture:Class;
I am already playing around with this since four hours now and start becoming a bit desperate about it. Maybe he crashes, because he hasn´t got all textures, but I dont know how to do this with the assetloader. I was reading several post, googleing around ... but couldnt find an answer to this problem. So this is my last approach to get help from you guys.
Thank you in advance!