Scaling issue (based on stage size)

Software: Away3D 3.x

Johan Larsson, Newbie
Posted: 03 January 2012 09:13 AM   Total Posts: 1

I have a problem with different scaling on a View3D depending on the size of the stage when the view3d is initiated and the object is loaded. There are no problems when resizing the window after it is loaded. But if I refresh the browser when the window is small, then the model is loaded as small. And if the window is large then the model is large.

In my project I have a 2d video clip behind my Away3D scene and
various away3d hotspots that point at things in the 2d clip.

I have a, created by preFab from a 3d model.

I have disabled Scaling mode (and no other objects on the stage are scaled):

stage.scaleMode StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align StageAlign.TOP_LEFT

I also have a clipping mask on the view3d that is affected by this issue:

var viewMask:RectangleClipping = new RectangleClipping({minX:-interfaceSwf.width/2minY:-interfaceSwf.height/2maxX:interfaceSwf.width/2maxY:interfaceSwf.height/2});

backView.clipping viewMask

There are numerous other away3d objects in my as3-project and none of them are affected by the same issue. Is there a known bug that affects the Mesh created from preFab? Or am I overseeing something obvious?




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