Embedded bitmap not visible

Software: Away3D 3.x

mstaebler, Newbie
Posted: 29 December 2011 02:18 PM   Total Posts: 4

some of the embedded bitmap textures of my 3d objects (away3d 3.6 classes exported from Prefab) are visible only sometimes, others don’t show at all when compiled to an swf.

My project: http://www.perfectblue.de/away3d/
With the select boxes to the left you can configure the different sizes
and roof forms.

In Prefab the texture shows right and there is no error in Flash CS4 during the compilation process. What am I doing wrong? Is it a timeout problem because the scene is to complex? All the different parts are created right at the beginning and hidden, if not needed.

I tried to apply a new bitmap material to the mesh of one part:

public function loadNewMaterial(matURL:String):void {
= new Loader();
urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(matURL);
private function applyNewMaterial(e:Event):void {

if(meshes[i].name == "pfosten"){
.material = new BitmapMaterial((e.target.content as Bitmap).bitmapData);

Firebug shows that it is loaded. But it doesn’t show, too.

Thanks for your help in advance.



mstaebler, Newbie
Posted: 30 December 2011 04:59 PM   Total Posts: 4   [ # 1 ]

It has to be a timeout problem.
I’m developping my project in Flash CS4 on an older quadcore AMD running with Windows XP 64 Bit. After trying several hours to solve the problem with changes in the code, I took the whole project to my new notebook with Windows 7 and Flash CS 5.5 with 64 bit support.

And voilĂ  - all the textures are visible.
Why doesn’t Flash wait for all the bitmaps to be included in the process of compilation?



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