Preserve object position after hit

Software: Away3D 4.x

superbeast, Newbie
Posted: 25 December 2011 04:01 PM   Total Posts: 1

Hei guys.
I’m building a small “shooter” game using Away3d 4 and just hit a little snag.
Probably it’s really simple but sleep deprivation does not hel me right now smile

OK, so the situation is:

I have a moving target (it’s tweened to a position). I throw an axe at it and if the axe hits it it should stay as if embedded in the target.
So the problem is:
When tweening the target how do I move the axe along with it while preserving the hit location?

I’m aware of the onUpdate function (TweenLite), just need a little help with calculating the axe position as the target is moving.

Thanks so much in advance! smile

P.S. Loving Away3d 4



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