Where can i find a 3dMax plugin

Software: Away3D 4.x

izikon, Newbie
Posted: 01 December 2011 11:56 AM   Total Posts: 2

I need a 3DMax plugin for exporting AWD files
i need that it would support animations , links , matirials and ect.
i saw there is only pluin for Maya

I saw there is this MaxScript in:
but it won’t support all of the features i need to work with the away3D



Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 01 December 2011 12:54 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

The parser is not finalized yet, especially regarding materials as the format is not locked yet. Once Away3D 4.0 and the new materials will be officially released, so should AWD2 v2.0 specs.
Note that very soon you will be able to export from AS3 as well.


SasMaster, Sr. Member
Posted: 05 December 2011 02:31 PM   Total Posts: 127   [ # 2 ]

Yeah ,I wrote that exporter for AWD back then.. when it was only Away 3.6
. It only supports AWD1 .Once the Away dudes finish off the specs for AWD2 and if I havee enough time I will add the AWD2 exporter.BTW, mr Olson mentioned somewhere he was going to work on 3DsMax plugin…


This looks like a job for superman


izikon, Newbie
Posted: 05 December 2011 02:37 PM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 3 ]

Woww… any change to know it as soon as it happend?....
I really want to develop a game in 3D… some shooter game maybe…
(I wish…)

my 3DMax specilest said that he made the models with bones stractures and ect.. i don’t what that means..
would the plugin support this kind of modeling?



SasMaster, Sr. Member
Posted: 05 December 2011 02:43 PM   Total Posts: 127   [ # 4 ]

The AWD format specs support animations and much more as far as I know.But someone has to implement them wink And we all are busy people .As I told once I find a free time which I currently don’t have ,I will try to write the exporter for 3Ds Max.But why don’t you work with the currently available formats? You can use md5 both for animations and for static meshes! Search the forum for more info on it…
Good luck.


This looks like a job for superman



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