*** How complicated is that ? *** Water + diffraction + reflection + kinect

Software: Away3D 4.x

Dermiste, Newbie
Posted: 23 June 2011 11:25 AM   Total Posts: 3

Hello guys!

I’m working for my company on a RnD project involving Kinect!

The idea is to display some water on a big screen, and then allow people to disturb it. I believe this is actually already done on the examples (ShallowWater).

However, on this demo we do not really see a full water effect, we just see the reflection of the world on a plane, and this plane is modified with some water behaviour equations.

And, I need to integrate things in the water, a logo for example, or maybe some animated stuff!

My questions are then the followings:
- how can I reproduce the water diffraction effect? So far I just integrated the logo that I want to see in the water, in the top part of the cube map. The effect is perfect but it’s not the right way.
- what would be the difficulty of all this?

A little help would be awesome smile



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