Problem with moving sound around - Sound moves to opposite direction

Software: Away3D 4.x

smint, Newbie
Posted: 28 November 2011 08:08 AM   Total Posts: 1

Hi there!

I got a problem with moving Sound3D-Objects around.

I add them onto Meshes, which are draggable.
When I move them its like the sound-object is moving to the opposite direction of my dragged object: X - positive seems to move into negative X position. Same for the Y-axis.

When I move the camera instead it’s working fine.
If I rotate the camera by 180 degrees on the Y - axis, its working fine, too.

I’m working with Camera.lookAt and came up with the idea, that the camera were spun around and this could confuse the Sound3d-Object.
Removing the lookAt-Method from the code seemed to work, but when I rotate the camera on the y - axis by 180 degrees, the same problem occurs. :(

Any ideas or thoughts?

Thanks in advance!



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