Maximum SubGeometry number is 4095?

Software: Away3D 4.x

inSertCodE, Sr. Member
Posted: 23 November 2011 05:54 PM   Total Posts: 105


My idea is to build a terrain constructed of square faces (2 poly each), each as different SubGeometry so that I can assign(tile) them with different textures.
So what I have done is build new class which constructs plane mesh. However its different from the regular plane primitive. As I said, in my new plane mesh each 2poly face (square) is a different SubGeometry.

So the initial tests went ok until I increased the segments and realized that if the mesh has more than 4095 SubGeometry its not rendered.

Below I’ll post 2 screen shots:
1. 63 x 63 -  3969 SubGeometry -  is rendered
2. 64 x 64 -  4096 SubGeometry -  not rendered

So I’m little stuck here. Is there a way to increase the max SubGeometry number or I’ll have to rethink the whole concept.
My main idea was to be able to tile each square with different texture so if you have another idea how to do it that will be helpful too.




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