Need help for extends ObjectContainer3D

Software: Away3D 3.x

Sweet, Newbie
Posted: 23 November 2011 12:29 PM   Total Posts: 3

Hello, i’d like to create au new class that extends to ObjectContainer3D but when i do that it automaticaly implement a parameter called “initarray:Array”.
When i use the class ObjectContainer3D in my main class i don’t need this parameter.
Anybody can help my to understand what’s this parameter because in the livedoc it’s just sayed “An array of 3d objects to be added as children of the container on instatiation. Can contain an initialisation object” ?
Thanks a lot for helping


Jack Dracon, Newbie
Posted: 23 November 2011 05:46 PM   Total Posts: 27   [ # 1 ]

Can you post your code? This are really weird problem. =\
I created some objects as ObjectContainer3d and I don’t needed to create this variable.
Good Lucky!


Sweet, Newbie
Posted: 23 November 2011 09:25 PM   Total Posts: 3   [ # 2 ]

Hi, thanks for reply here is the class that i want to create :

package sweet
import away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D;

public class IvContainer extends ObjectContainer3D

  public function IvContainer(initarray:Array)

As you see FB auto-implemente the parameter in the method constructor “initarray:Array”. If i set this parameter at null there is some mistakes.


Jack Dracon, Newbie
Posted: 24 November 2011 11:51 AM   Total Posts: 27   [ # 3 ]

But, It’s not possible to not implement this on Flash Builder? (I use the FlashDevelop) Hasn’t a option to not create this initArray? Because in objectContainer3D you need to pass the material, width and height at least, not a array. =\
Did you tried to comment the super?


Sweet, Newbie
Posted: 25 November 2011 06:04 PM   Total Posts: 3   [ # 4 ]

Yes it’s work like this, thanks a lot and sorry for this dumbest question ... I have to learn more about super().



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