Bitmapdata as texture

Software: Away3D 4.x

thenerd, Newbie
Posted: 19 November 2011 11:18 PM   Total Posts: 1

Hi all,

Is the following possible?
The user has a map (prolly a sprite) of a cube texture (so 6 planes) on which they can draw stuff.
At the same time a 3D object next to it should get the texture of the things that were drawn onto that map (prolly sprite).

My first guess is that I should just use the bitmapdata of the 6 planes. But how do you exactly map those on the 3D cube?

Thanks in advance!

// Update, ok i found that it works, but the material does not get updated when i change the drawing

I create a BitmapMaterial, I take the bitmapdata from my Sprite, i create the Cube with the bitmapmaterial…this all works fine

When i now draw extra stuff on my sprite, the bitmapmaterial on the cube does not get updated. In the render function i reassign the bitmapmaterial object?
Is there something else you need to do?



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