A kind of artifact?

Software: Away3D 3.x

Thiago Coelho, Newbie
Posted: 16 November 2011 09:52 PM   Total Posts: 2

Hello guys =)

I’m trying to figure out why this bug texture is happening.

I have a grid with 45 cubes and i’m using the front, bottom, back and top faces.

I’m using bitmap material on faces, the mechanic is simple:

When the user select some color, i apply the texture on the next face and rotate the cubes in 90 degrees to show up the new face. When transition is completed i apply the rotation using cube.applyRotations()

My problem are those artifacts when the transition occurs. It seems that the textures (or the cubes) are overlapping.

Thank you for the attention.



Thiago Coelho, Newbie
Posted: 17 November 2011 07:39 PM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 1 ]

Well i’ve tried to use another renderer type.

The CORRECT_Z_ORDER has no results and INTERSECT_OBJECTS works properly but it left my app very very slow.

Please any suggestion?



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