Do all 2D sprites I use for BitmapMaterial need to be off some size from a power of 2?

Software: Away3D 4.x

FlyOn, Jr. Member
Posted: 10 November 2011 02:06 PM   Total Posts: 36

I’m trying to give a plane a bitmapmaterial made from a normal sprite displaying a 2d button with some text.

Since I’m trying to make this dynamic (as in the user decides what the text on the button is) , the button varies in size. I now pick the closest power of 2, but that still stretches the resulting image.

Do I somehow need to make sure the sprite I use has a size of the power of 2?

And if I do that by drawing some black/transparant square on its background, can I somehow take a not-power-of-2 selection part of the bitmapmaterial to apply to my plane so the resulting plane has the same size as the original button?



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