C4D Collada export - bothsides prop

Software: Away3D 3.x

wesleysnipes, Newbie
Posted: 09 November 2011 12:44 AM   Total Posts: 20

Hey, I’m trying to enable the bothsides property on a loaded collada file. I see a property in the parser that looks for:

if (String(geometryData.geoXML["extra"].technique.double_sided) != ""

This is in the Collada.as class

I don’t know how to fill get this property in the XML. I want to generate it from the c4d file since we are making many adjustments, I don’t want to hand code. Not even sure if that would be realistic if the prop is specific to each poly.

Is there a way to target an ObjectContainer3D and loop all children and turn bothsides to true?

Any help is much appreciated.





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