AWD2 build in exporter

Software: Away3D 4.x

inSertCodE, Sr. Member
Posted: 31 October 2011 08:48 AM   Total Posts: 105

HI, I’ve been thinking…

Won’t it be easy to write down a “reverse” parser for awd2 format?
My idea is, for example, we load a md5 model in Away3d and then call us a function (reverse function of the awd2 parser) that will write down the same model with bone animation to an awd2 file.

Another question that I wanted to ask is how do the developers create the awd files they use in the examples? I’m pretty sure they don’t write them in hand :D so there must be some beta exporter…


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 12 November 2011 03:45 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

This is in development by Fabrice, for Prefab (and also to be available in Away3D.)


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 12 November 2011 09:32 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 2 ]

Exporters package is indeed in the making:
so far the following exports are working in FP and AIR flavors:

- AC:
several improvements done compared to 3.6 exporter

supports now the “o” tag

- AS3
I’m already in love with these smile they build sooo freaking fast!!
Animation support is not fully implemented yet

- AWD1
Builded for legacy reasons, you can now generate some extrusions, build a project in Away 4 and load them in a Flash 10 project, and of course even edit them in Prefab 1.x. Polygon count is of course something to take in account.

- AWD2
In the middle of it

All exports with or without dependencies. For the flash player desktop version when dependencies are generated, the files are available for save from an internal vector. They can be user mouse triggered saved on by one. I might provide a small interface to ease the process… The master files are automatically saved from an OS save dialog.
The AIR version of course has no security restriction like for the FP. It does all the savings automatically. Prefab 2.0 will be using these.



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