Performance/approach for very large stage dimensions

Software: Away3D 4.x

meesterstump, Newbie
Posted: 28 October 2011 07:28 PM   Total Posts: 1

I am preparing to develop an interactive that will be displayed across multiple screens (the equivalent of 6 full HD, or 5760 x 2160 pixels) acting as one display. 

The 3D elements in this project will be fairly simple - perhaps 20 textured Planes moving around. 

Until now, my approach would be to simply use the built in 3D transformations in flash. But now after reading about the benefits of FP 11 / AIR 3, it seems that I should take advantage of the performance improvements from the new stage3D and Away3D seems like the best option for that right now. 

I have successfully set up Flash Builder to use the latest SDK (merged flex 4.51 with AIR3) and added the flash player 11.  I’ve created a simple AIR test application that uses Away3d (version 4).  The app creates and rotates a single Plane with a BitmapFileMaterial.

The app runs quite smoothly at typical stage dimensions (single monitor size), however when I increase the SWF into the several thousand pixel range, performance slows to an unusable level.

By comparison, if I don’t use Away3D, but rather just animate a large bitmap/sprite natively, performance is better at the same dimensions (although still not as smooth as I’d like)

This is my first time touching Away3D, so hopefully someone here can help me understand the best approach I should take.

Exciting stuff though!



TheSillyOne, Newbie
Posted: 01 November 2011 10:41 AM   Total Posts: 28   [ # 1 ]

That is forseeable. Try disabling anti-aliasing. Also, make sure you only use the simplest shaders.

What might help is to create multiple instances of the program, one for each screen, and one controler program that sends update commands to the “views” (over the network -> localhost), so they stay synchronized.

Best regards.



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