Away3D 4.x - Generating a Mesh from Vertices

Software: Away3D 4.x

Ephiarsis, Newbie
Posted: 28 October 2011 01:58 PM   Total Posts: 1


I’ll try to keep it brief:

I want to create a mesh, dynamically at runtime.

What I have is an Array (A Vector.<Vector3d>) with vertices that create a path. The path is 2-dimensional, aligned at the y-axis.

What I want to do now is create a flat polygon from it.

As I see, I can create a Mesh out of different triangles. Thing is, my path is not a 3-gon, but an n-gon.

Are there any methods in Away3d 4.x that help me achieving this? Maybe a method that takes my vertices (the path) and return an Array of triangular paths, which I then pass on to the method?

If not, I’ll try to write such an algorithm on my own, but if there already is a solution, I don’t want to waste valuable time on that topic.


theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 28 October 2011 03:59 PM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 1 ]

I think what you’re looking for is a PathExtrude

Also checkout the PathThings example in Broomstick Examples.

Good Luck!



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