Any chance to set shadow alpha?

Software: Away3D 4.x

texnl, Newbie
Posted: 22 October 2011 04:03 PM   Total Posts: 6

Hello here is the question. When i use Directional Light in my scene i recieve black solid shadows. I can increase material.ambient parameter to make them more lighted, but this spoils the look of my scene, makes it toy-like. I use 4 lights to light up my model. First light casts shadow. So how can i make my rest 3 light affect the black shadow areas as supposed to happen in real life?
The code i use:

tmp.specular .6;
tmp.gloss 20;
// tmp.ambient = .5;
tmp.shadowMethod = new TripleFilteredShadowMapMethod(_light);
tmp.lights [_light_omni0_omni1_omni2]



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 25 October 2011 07:02 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

This is a reasonable request. Please file a feature request on GitHub. Thanks! smile



TheSillyOne, Newbie
Posted: 01 November 2011 10:45 AM   Total Posts: 28   [ # 2 ]

For now you can change the ambient term of the materials that “receive” shadow.

Best regards.



texnl, Newbie
Posted: 15 November 2011 10:43 PM   Total Posts: 6   [ # 3 ]

I am not familiar with AGAL code, but my experiments found a crude temporary solution (while we are still hopefully waiting for BETA) for making shadows half transparent, without rising “ambient” parameter. So here is that crack for triple filtered shadowmap:
1. Open file away3d/materials/methods/
2. Find line number 108

"add " targetReg ".w, " _viewDirFragmentReg+".w, " uvReg+".w n" 

3. Comment it with //




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