I started to use the following code from a sample file:
[Embed(source=”/../embeds/head/head.obj”, mimeType=“application/octet-stream”)]
private var OBJData : Class;[Embed(source=”/../embeds/head/Images/Map-COL.jpg”)]
private var Albedo : Class;[Embed(source=”/../embeds/head/Images/Map-spec.jpg”)]
private var Specular : Class;[Embed(source=”/../embeds/head/Images/Infinite-Level_02_Tangent_NoSmoothUV.jpg”)]
private var Normal : Class;
But I only need to load two simple .dds, .tex, or .jpg pictures to attach them to the model ,obj.
I also have .mat files.
Any idea, how to modify the code?
Thanks in advance Richard