Normalmap Generator

Software: Away3D 4.x

Guido, Member
Posted: 25 July 2011 02:23 PM   Total Posts: 70


i have a variable Mesh, so i cant work with static normalmaps. In Away3D 3.6 was a normalmap generator.

Will this class be adapted to 4.0?


David Lenaerts, Administrator
Posted: 25 July 2011 09:40 PM   Total Posts: 80   [ # 1 ]

In 4.0, we’ve moved from object space normal maps to tangent space normal maps (which is pretty much the standard in game engines and such). The normals in these maps are defined relative to the actual surface, so if the surface changes, so will the normal. That means there’s no need to update your normal map each time, you just need to generate a tangent space map once smile


Guido, Member
Posted: 27 July 2011 03:54 PM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 2 ]

I calculate VertexData and UVMappingData in PHP dynamic, so the NormalmapGenerator was my only possibility to calculate normalmaps dynamic.

So how can I calculate my normalmaps in Away3D 4.0? What are good programs to calculate normalmaps in general?


theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 27 July 2011 04:26 PM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 3 ]

You can make them in 3D Studio MAX. Tutorial here:
I believe it’s possible in most packages, with more or less the same process.

It’s a bit tricky when compared to making world coordinate normal maps. I hope they make a return sometime, not least for people moving projects from earlier Away3D versions, me included.

One of the very cool things about the Away3D 4.0 version is that you do have access to the vertex normals, so it should be possible to write something to create tangent space normal maps from World coordinate normal maps on a mesh. It’s something I’m considering doing if I can’t find a better workflow.



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