Communicating between an overlayed SWF and the Stage

Software: Away3D 4.x

progressivity, Newbie
Posted: 15 August 2012 01:30 PM   Total Posts: 7

Hi Everybody,

can someboday explain in wich way an overlayed GUI (Ex. an SWF created in Flash) gets Information from my A3D Scene ?

So if i got in my 3D Scene with 3 Objects i can cycle trough with my mousewheel - and in my GUI created in Flash is a Number that displays 1, 2 or 3 on Top of my 3D Scene - how can i get to the Information of my actual standpoint in my GUI ?

Sorry about my bad English.

Greetings Frank


jackisgames, Newbie
Posted: 15 August 2012 02:22 PM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 1 ]

you can use onMouseWheel listener to handle it


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 16 August 2012 09:44 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 2 ]

Communicating between a loaded SWF and the loading SWF is not specific to Away3D. You will probably have better luck looking for information in a more general scope.

I’m not sure why you have to have two SWF files though. You can overlay your GUI on top of Away3D without having to load a separate SWF file.



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