Actual version ?

Software: Away3D 4.x

buut, Newbie
Posted: 02 August 2012 07:50 AM   Total Posts: 7

I want to download actual version ? Which s one actual? SVN ,  GIT or swc on away3d web page ?
thank you


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 02 August 2012 08:00 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

SVN is not used anymore. Git is always the most recent (and contains several branches, with more or less recent work in them.) The SWCs are major releases (eg 4.0) and are only released every now and then.

If you want the latest version that we have designated as stable, download the master branch from GitHub. If you are unfamiliar with Git or branches, you can download that branch as a zip file from



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