Similar to Cafe World. Mesh object to attach to a objectContainer depending on the which plane the mouse is on.

Software: Away3D 4.x

Tayyab, Member
Posted: 01 August 2012 07:56 AM   Total Posts: 72   [ # 16 ]

thanx richard, yes i did a lot of debugging, but probably wasn’t enough.
i will give that a try


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 01 August 2012 07:58 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 17 ]

The thing is, this is not the typical run-of-the-mill stuff, so the only real way for me to know 100% for sure what you need to do is through trial and error. That basically means I either have to do it myself, or you have to be the one in charge of trial and error, and supply me (and the forums) with all the information you can. As I’m sure you understand, I would prefer the latter. smile

So one thing you could try to know whether the problem is the Z position is to use a cube instead of a plane. In a cube, none of the vertices are in the “correct” Z position, but if it still works, we know that they don’t have to be.


Tayyab, Member
Posted: 02 August 2012 12:51 AM   Total Posts: 72   [ # 18 ]

I just tested it with a cube and it works smile

so is there something wrong with my shed mesh?
do i need to rethink or redo my shed?

Thanks for all the help you are providing here smile


Tayyab, Member
Posted: 02 August 2012 02:52 AM   Total Posts: 72   [ # 19 ]

Also Richard, How would I transform the face into Y/Z Plane?



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