Help,loading trouble.

Software: Away3D 4.x

Horseman, Newbie
Posted: 19 July 2012 03:41 AM   Total Posts: 11

Hi,ummmm.. I load an AWD2 model and when the loading was complete that trouble will be display, it’s RangeError: Error #1125: index 16777216 over limit 1, i don’t know how to fix it..what’s difference between AWD1 and AWD2? because i put the objModel into prefab and export AWD2.


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 19 July 2012 07:18 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

First, to answer your question about AWD1 and AWD2, there’s a huge difference. One is plaintext, the other is binary. One is compressed, the other is not. One is both forwards and backwards compatible, the other is not, et c. Generally you should not use AWD1 if you can use AWD2.

What version of Prefab and what version of Away3D do you have? Make sure you have the latest versions of both, and the exported AWD2 files should work.

In the finalization process of AWD2 there were some slight changes made, especially to the way that materials were stored, which would break files generated through old encoders. At the same time, Away3D and all the exporters were updated to reflect this change. So now, if you have a recent version of an exporter (e.g. Prefab) but an old version of Away3D, or vice versa, the files would not load.


Horseman, Newbie
Posted: 19 July 2012 07:59 AM   Total Posts: 11   [ # 2 ]
Richard Olsson - 19 July 2012 07:18 AM

First, to answer your question about AWD1 and AWD2, there’s a huge difference. One is plaintext, the other is binary. One is compressed, the other is not. One is both forwards and backwards compatible, the other is not, et c. Generally you should not use AWD1 if you can use AWD2.

What version of Prefab and what version of Away3D do you have? Make sure you have the latest versions of both, and the exported AWD2 files should work.

In the finalization process of AWD2 there were some slight changes made, especially to the way that materials were stored, which would break files generated through old encoders. At the same time, Away3D and all the exporters were updated to reflect this change. So now, if you have a recent version of an exporter (e.g. Prefab) but an old version of Away3D, or vice versa, the files would not load.

Thanks for your reply,The problem was disappeared when i update away4 beta to away4 gold.



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