How can I import example into flash builder

Software: Away3D 4.x

sheep, Newbie
Posted: 18 July 2012 07:08 AM   Total Posts: 1

Recently I start to learn flash 3d, before that I use flash Professional,however i found that the example can’t work in that.when i import that example into flash builder, It can’t recognize my i have some question

1. how can i set up develop environment ,import example file and start learning?

2.what is the best way to connect Cinema 4d to prefab 3d? it cannot read the 3ds file exported from c4D.



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 18 July 2012 09:39 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

1. If you are completely unfamiliar with Flash Builder I would suggest you try to find a tutorial for Flash Builder generally, and not Away3D specifically. Try looking in Flash Builder’s documentation on how to get started.

2. Prefab should be able to load 3DS files. If it doesn’t, that sounds like a bug (that is likely in Away3D as well.) Try using another file format like COLLADA and see if that helps.



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