Playing multiple animations

Software: Away3D 4.x

I like to play, Newbie
Posted: 17 July 2012 08:24 PM   Total Posts: 2

Hi, I’m aware of the “CrossfadeStateTransition” when switching between animations, but is it possible to play two (or more) animations simultaneously in a SkeletonAnimator? For instance it could be an arm that needs to bend independent of and opening/closing hand animation.

(Doesn’t matter if it works only for awd or MD5)

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 17 July 2012 10:29 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

Yes, it is possible, by building your own blend tree using blend nodes of different types. If you have pre-defined animation clips, the clip node is what you want. You should be able to use two and blend them together using a SkeletonDifferenceNode so that the animations of both nodes are blended together and “added” to each other to effectively play them both at the same time.


I like to play, Newbie
Posted: 18 July 2012 08:23 AM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 2 ]

Thanks a lot for your help, I will give it a shot smile


Sean72, Newbie
Posted: 17 April 2013 05:05 AM   Total Posts: 28   [ # 3 ]

Did you succeed in this, I have a similar animation I need to develop?



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