Does movePivot work??

Software: Away3D 4.x

davivid, Newbie
Posted: 08 January 2012 08:34 PM   Total Posts: 12

I have seen a lot of unanswered posts regarding movePivot() in away3D 4.0.

Can anybody confirm whether this method works or not? I have been trying to get a simple plane to rotate around different pivot point with no success.


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 09 January 2012 05:59 AM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 1 ]

No it doesn’t work.

You can do similar

var planeTransform:Matrix3D = plane.transform.clone()
planeTransform.prependRotation(45, Vector3D.Y_AXIS, new Vector3D( -50, 0, -50));
plane.transform = planeTransform;


MeshHelper.applyPosition(plane,  -50, 0, -50); //changes the vertices positions
plane.position = new Vector3D(50,0,50);  //move back


40lb Suit of Bees, Newbie
Posted: 15 March 2012 04:41 PM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 2 ]

It appears to work now in version away3d-core-fp10


IndieCreative, Newbie
Posted: 06 July 2012 08:56 AM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 3 ]

How i will implement some sort of rotationPivot? . . 

The methods pivotPoint and movePivot doesnt work for me because i need eventually move a primitive around any of the axis just in the way i’will do having the pivot on the point (0,0,0)

With thats methods i think i will make a unnecesary ( i dont know if this will be the case ) procedure veryfing if the primitive has a pivotZero !=0,0,0 and make the necessary transformation if this is the case ( yes i saw the class Object3D ) to move the object to the desire position .  . . .  . Thanks.



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