TextureProjector projects “through” Objects/Meshes

Software: Away3D 4.x

Wizzy, Newbie
Posted: 04 July 2012 09:23 PM   Total Posts: 2

Dear Community,

does anybody know if there is a way that the TextureProjector acts like a “real” projector?

To see what i mean please take a look at the attached image (first example image i’ve been taken from user’s arius post regarding TextureProjector)

First image shows the actual behaviour of the TextureProjector.

The sescond one shows the desired behaviour -> no projection through objects/meshes

The third shows the difference (red)

The Problem is, that i can’t use prebaked textures because the projectors position and orientation has to be dynamic, e.g. like the pointlight of a driving car.

Thank you very much and have fun with this great 3D Framework!!

Best wishes,



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 05 July 2012 07:57 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

I’m afraid I don’t think that’s possible. There’s no raytracing going on here, and the projection happens per-fragment on the receiving surface, which has no knowledge of what other objects exist in the scene. The TextureProjector simply isn’t designed to be used for this, which would require a much more complex system, that might even be hard to fit into general-purpose use of the engine.

I’m afraid you might be out of luck unless you can write a completely new shader (and branching of the render pipeline, similar to shadow-casting), or find someone who can.

You can file a feature request on GitHub and we will consider implementing the feature (if we conclude that it is reasonably possible) but it will likely not make it even into 4.1, so probably not before the end of the year.

For what it’s worth, the term “projector” in TextureProjector does not refer to the real-life electronic utility, but to the fact that a texture is being mathematically projected onto a surface.



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