ambient lighting to material/texture w/o a source

Software: Away3D 4.x

mmix7, Newbie
Posted: 30 June 2012 08:06 AM   Total Posts: 9

I have a skybox setup, and I would like to have it lighted without using DirectionalLight , because it creates a large aura at the source point—which is not desired.

I need ambient light without an origin point that is visible. Is that possible?

The idea is to make a star skybox with stars that aren’t gray, but fully white - lit by a light, that has no origin (as the distant stars are themselves the lightsource so to speak)..

In meantime I decided to just remove the lightPicker from the material, so it won’t shade parts of it based on depth. Still wish I could control it a little more than swapping materials from photoshop


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 30 June 2012 09:37 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

Tweak the specular, gloss and ambient properties of your material (when using a light-picker with lights) to get rid of the glossy highlight.

But why would you want to light the sky box at all? The sky box simulates a sky that is infinitely far away. Nothing in your scene could realistically change what the sky looks like.



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