I am trying to read API reference and understand haw Away3d renders stuff.
I am trying to understand scene partitions, EntityCollector, PartitionTraverser and ShadowCasterCollector…
I am guessing….
EntityCollector collects all entities that are potentialy visible.. (not blocked by other objects, in view bounds, not too far, not too close.)
ShadowCasterCollector does its magic with shadows… somehow somethere..
Then .... away3d divides screen in quad manner ??? (does it on the fly acording needs..?) how this partitioning happens? What element does it…PartitionTraverser?..
as a result of this process… collection of triangles is send to Stage3d to be rendered.
this is my vague understanding of rendering process…
Can anyone please explain me rendering process and partitioning i details?
I will add this knowledge to Away3d lesson, and in API documentation.
Thanks for time.