Error #3709: The depthAndStencil flag when targeted to Air 3.2 for desktop tested with latest framework downloaded from github

Software: Away3D 4.x

Rajneesh, Jr. Member
Posted: 19 June 2012 12:04 PM   Total Posts: 34


I downloaded latest build from
and examples from

I tried example “” with target output set to AIR 3.2 for desktop.

I set render mode to “Direct”. I have also added the following line,


to XML file (application descriptor).

But i still get the following error,

Error #3709: The depthAndStencil flag in the application descriptor must match the enableDepthAndStencil Boolean passed to configureBackBuffer on the Context3D object.
at flash.display3D::Context3D/configureBackBuffer()
at away3d.core.managers::Stage3DProxy/onContext3DUpdate()


Rajneesh, Jr. Member
Posted: 19 June 2012 12:14 PM   Total Posts: 34   [ # 1 ]


I updated the class “” from

It still gave me the following error,
1119: Access of possibly undefined property CONTEXT3D_RECREATED through a reference with static type Class.

Then i updated the “” class by adding the following line
public static const CONTEXT3D_RECREATED :String = “Context3DRecreated”;

It is now running.


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 20 June 2012 06:25 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 2 ]

This has already been fixed in the latest version of the release branch. Make sure you get the right branch if you’re seeing this issue, or wait until it’s merged into master in time for the scheduled mid-July release of stable Away3D 4.0.



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