Limitation Away3D

Software: Away3D 4.x

darez, Newbie
Posted: 18 June 2012 05:47 PM   Total Posts: 5

Hi at all, i have read that “Alternativa3D” ha limit of 6 light for object.
Basically, i want to know if there are any limit actually (max poligon, max light, etc.).



Shegl, Sr. Member
Posted: 18 June 2012 07:17 PM   Total Posts: 134   [ # 1 ]

I know about 3 light per object + 2 maps( diffuse+specular or diffuse+normal) + (fog method or TerrainDiffuse).. But it will change.. cause it’s just buggy.

Main Thread : forum/viewthread/2558/


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 20 June 2012 06:11 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 2 ]

The thread that Shegl mentions discusses an issue that is not related to limits to number of lights, shading methods, polygons or anything like that.

To answer the original question, there are no explicit limitations. However, because of the way Away3D constructs shaders from so called “shading methods”, and the limitations that exist in Flash Player to the number of shader instructions one is allowed to use, there are implicit limitations to the number of lights that one can use for a single material. The exact number varies depending on how complex your material is. If you try to use every feature that the material system provides, in a single material, then you will likely run into issues because the shader gets too long or the render pipeline runs out of GPU registers.

Note btw, that in Away3D you define on the material which lights should be affecting it. So you can have any number of lights in a scene, as long as each material is only affected by a handful of them.

As far as triangle count is concerned, there is none. A single buffer may only contain 65535 triangles at most (as limited by the Flash platform) but a single object can be built from many buffers. When you load a heavy model, the parser will automatically split it up into buffers of suitable size.

In total, a couple of million triangles is a practical upper limit, although theoretically the limit is much higher (defined by the number of buffers Stage3D lets you create, which is I think 4096, times the maximum length of each buffer which like I said is 65535 vertices/triangles.)

In most common use cases, if you’re smart about how you manage your resources, you will likely not run into any limits.



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