Confusion with WireframeGrid and WireframePlane

Software: Away3D 4.x

Deril, Newbie
Posted: 17 June 2012 09:59 PM   Total Posts: 8


I am trying all primitives out… and those two classes looks very weird…

They both do the same thing… they add wireframe plane… but:

-WireframeGrid has documentation! WireframePlane does not…
-WireframeGrid extends SegmentSet… witch is wierd.. because all other wireframe classes (including WireframePlane ) extends WireframePrimitiveBase.
-WireframeGrid has constructor argunets : thickness:Number = 1, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, WireframePlane has… color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, thickness:Number = 1… diferent order… all other wireframe classes use same order as WireframePlane.
- Default WireframeGrid orentation is “xz” (standart default orentation for plane in 3d world.. ) but WireframePlane has “yz”...

So both classes do the same thing.. but both has consistency errors with rest of wireframe implementation…

Do they need to exist both?
Is it possibel to fix standartization errors?


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 18 June 2012 09:31 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

These are very valid points. Do you mind filing a ticket in the GitHub issue tracker? You can just copy-paste your post or link to this forum thread. The tracker is here:



Deril, Newbie
Posted: 18 June 2012 03:05 PM   Total Posts: 8   [ # 2 ]




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