PlaneGeometry texturing issues, maybe a bug but not sure

Software: Away3D 4.x

flex-o-matic, Newbie
Posted: 07 June 2012 11:28 PM   Total Posts: 13

Hi folks.

Please see the attached image for an exact visual.

The scene consists of 4 planes, floor and 3 walls, each with an individual jpg texture, alpha is .75 and the bothsides property = true;
The cones have an alpha of .75 too.

From window 1 to 4 i rotated the scene slightly so you can see there are sudden changes in texture behavior, sometimes the cones pop outside, sometimes inside or there is a sudden gap in the wall.

Flash Builder 4.6.1 (build 335153) and using playglobal11_2.swc

Thanks for any suggestions!

P.s. Hardware specs (don’t know if they matter)
AMD FirePro V7900 on Dual Xeon X5690 and Win7 Pro 64bit



flex-o-matic, Newbie
Posted: 07 June 2012 11:33 PM   Total Posts: 13   [ # 1 ]

Forgot to mention, when i change the alpha of the cones or the walls to 1, the problem is gone.



theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 08 June 2012 04:14 AM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 2 ]

Yes, that does seem a bit random.
I’ve experienced this kind of thing when using alphaBlend=true, and there are several explanations out there, to do with rendering order.
Are you using alphaBlending at all?

The last time I tried, bothsides=true didn’t mean your lighting worked on the flip side of your geometry. I know Fabrice was talking about fixing that one, but not sure of status in current build.

Otherwise I’m blank, but your welcome to send me a test file to have a play around, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Good Luck!



flex-o-matic, Newbie
Posted: 11 June 2012 04:31 PM   Total Posts: 13   [ # 3 ]


I’m not using any alphablending and I have seen that lighting issue that’s why i disabled the lightpicker for this test.

I first tried to create the box with cubes instead of planes but there are texturing issues too.

I will play around with the rendering order.



Shegl, Sr. Member
Posted: 11 June 2012 05:52 PM   Total Posts: 134   [ # 4 ]

I have “bug” with alpha sorting too, but I think it’s just alpha sorting behavior.
Here u are picture. Look at tree leaves.



Shegl, Sr. Member
Posted: 11 June 2012 05:55 PM   Total Posts: 134   [ # 5 ]

Crap.. I think u will not find “bugs” lol. Here are awd + diffuse.


File Attachments
tree.rar  (File Size: 170KB - Downloads: 0)

flex-o-matic, Newbie
Posted: 12 June 2012 06:37 PM   Total Posts: 13   [ # 6 ]

I am one step closer to unraveling this mystery.

Please look at the attachment.

I have created and loaded a 3ds file with 6 different planes, all individually scaled and corrected the UV tiling.

1. The transparency on the planes now works 100% perfectly even with 6 different textures on it. When I used a PlaneGeometry to create my planes dynamically, this didn’t work very well, I saw a couple of transparency issues.

2. When I used my ConeGeometry inside the room, the transparency problems arise when the cone is too close the one of the ‘walls’. As you can see from the attachment, when the cone was in the middle of the ‘room’, the transparency worked fine but when it gets to close to the ‘walls’, suddenly the texture transparency of the left plane screws up.

Hope this makes sense.

theMightyAtom - 08 June 2012 04:14 AM

Yes, that does seem a bit random.
I’ve experienced this kind of thing when using alphaBlend=true, and there are several explanations out there, to do with rendering order.
Are you using alphaBlending at all?

The last time I tried, bothsides=true didn’t mean your lighting worked on the flip side of your geometry. I know Fabrice was talking about fixing that one, but not sure of status in current build.

Otherwise I’m blank, but your welcome to send me a test file to have a play around, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Good Luck!



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 16 June 2012 12:10 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 7 ]

This is not so much a “bug” as it is a result of the way things have to be handled when using alpha transparency. It’s not a question of whether alphaBlending is used, but rather whether requiresBlending is true, which it may be if you’ve set the alpha to something below 1, if you have a texture with alpha in it or if you’re using a blendMode, for example.

See relevant information here:




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