Away4D 4.X in Flex

Software: Away3D 4.x

angvzp0x, Newbie
Posted: 31 May 2012 06:51 PM   Total Posts: 10

I just switched to 4.0 Beta from Lite

I can take the Lite examples and put the .as code in an .mxml file, I found a blog on removing the class {} and adding the view to a spark SpriteVisualElement.

But that doesnt work for 4.0 Beta, I get the stats & the signature bitmap on a blank white screen ( Gfx screenclear is black )

Has anyone got 4.0 working in Flex?


I had forgotten to switch to the playerglobal11_2.swc. Now I get a pop up saying

“VerifyError: Error #1079: Native methods are not allowed in loaded code.”

( And yes I did switch the new playerglobal to external )


Karim Beyrouti, Administrator
Posted: 31 May 2012 10:32 PM   Total Posts: 30   [ # 1 ]

Works fine in Flex for Web/AIR (desktop and mobile). Have a look at this thread “1938” on the forum (posting thread ID as posts with links are marked as spam for me).

Basically, make sure you remove the background by setting alpha to 0, or extending the skin and not creating it.


angvzp0x, Newbie
Posted: 01 June 2012 09:53 PM   Total Posts: 10   [ # 2 ]

My mistake was to follow the adobe article which is out of date. Replacing playerglobal.swc caused the VerifyError, the current latest playerglobal.swc already supports away3d 4

Thanks for the background alpha tip though - wouldnt an installation howto be a good addition to the download page?



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