3.6 BUG - MovieClipSprite interactivity lost when infront of a sphere with an interactive moviematerial

Software: Away3D 3.x

Darcey, Moderator
Posted: 17 May 2012 11:12 PM   Total Posts: 209


I have a MovieClipSprite with an interactive material which is placed at a point on a sphere with an interactive MovieMaterial.

When rotating the sphere placing the MovieClipSprite infront of the sphere all the MovieClipSprite mouse events are lost.

This happens no matter how close I bring the MovieClipSprite to the camera (HoverCamera3D) when the sphere is behind the MovieClipSprite it dissables mouse events for the area it’s behind.



John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 21 May 2012 03:55 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 1 ]

Just had the same issue today. remembered the post.
Fortuantely I could disable the moviematerial interactive when the sprites were infront and then re enable it. Dont know if you have that option. :/


Darcey, Moderator
Posted: 21 May 2012 03:59 PM   Total Posts: 209   [ # 2 ]

Sadly, wasn’t an option for me :(

Best solution I came up with was to strap a plane next to invisible behind the MovieClipSprite and its event would start working again. But prevented transparent areas in the MovieClip from working so, they had to loose the Sphere Interactive MovieMaterial for a static texture. :(



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